Coaching for corporate and Business success.
“People change what they do less because they are given analysis that shifts their thinking than because they are shown a truth that influences their feelings”
Over the past decade, executive coaching has experienced incredible growth and is recognized to be a key factor in developing high performance for individuals and teams within the company. The fast growth of coaching has been linked to the increasing complexity and fast pace of change executives have to deal with in today's work environment.
If you are an executive, leader or a business owner and struggling with a specific goal, or project, team member or employee, coaching will help fast track you towards that goal.
Ask the questions; How do I think differently, think big? Am I truly a role model for my staff? What's my legacy? How do I want to be remembered? Raise the bar on your own performance to positively influence those around you.
Phone now for a free 15 minute consultation!
I provide a full range of tailored services from corporate health and wellness programmes, business / executive coaching to personal coaching.
Whether you are an employee, a manager in a corporate, a business owner or wanting to re-enter the work force, I can help you develop the personal skills you need for greater job satisfaction in any work situation, including
finding your passion
leadership skills
management skills
increase positivity and enjoyment in the work environment
create a culture of health, wellness and prevention, reducing sickness and mental health days
reduce risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and other diseases
reduce stress and stress-related illnesses (depression etc.) thereby saving money
making the transition between jobs
inspiring and motivating your team
improve communication skills
increase staff commitment
provide clarity and help you find your vision
build strategy, efficiency, productivity and profit with a balanced life

I have a good understanding of both small businesses and corporate. My own experience has been 10 years as a director of my own importing wholesale and retail company and 30 plus years as director of Relocations International, working with corporate settling their people in New Zealand and overseas.
Organisational Development
Coaching offers a convenient, relatively cost-effective way to support behavioural changes or complex decision-making processes that have the potential to create tremendous value for organizations, as well as the individuals involved
Intrinsic motivation versus extrinsic motivation (rewards destroy creativity). If you want compliance give carrot sticks. If you want engagement, self direction works better than carrot sticks. Autonomy - Mastery - Purpose
Benefits for HR Organisations
Your employees can discuss with the coach the "undiscussables"
Utilities expertise in the community, offers new/fresh perspectives and therefore different approaches
Sometimes HR doesn’t have the skills resources and time
Generic initiatives don’t often cater for “individual blockages”, coaching can provide
They will appreciate the company taking an active interest in their health and well-being.
When employees are healthy, fit and emotionally/mentally strong they will perform better in the work place.
Lightening Lab is a pressure cooker environment where they support business start-ups here in Wellington. The aim of the programme is to get the companies investment ready. 2016 year is specifically for female founders. As a life/wellness/business coach I was coaching the Director of Little Yellow Bird: Empowers employees and enhances corporate social responsibility through their range of ethically manufactured uniforms. It was exciting to be part of an innovative start up with growing success.
This is a great opportunity to give back (if and where I can) to the small business community. As an owner of Relocations International (30 plus years), I have a great interest in promoting business here in Wellington (something that is much needed in the advent of the loss of companies and Head offices to Auckland).
Wellness Seminars
NZ is the third most obese county in the world!
We can provide a tailored approach promoting wellness and vitality for your staff or individuals.
Assess the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects that encompass well-being.
How to recognize the danger signs where stress, unhealthy eating and lack of exercise leads to poor health.
Implementing the steps to ensure health and fitness for life.
Include topics: What is health and wellness?. Effects of stress and how to cope, healthy eating habits, sleep well, time management, depression awareness, coping tools, exercise options and more.
What is the link between wellness and performance .... the importance of wellness to individuals and to the workplace.
Work Life Balance Seminars
“We are human beings with a contribution to make, not small people with problems to solve.”
Work life balance seminars are available by arrangement. You design what suits your team.
They may include the following topics plus many more:
Proven Steps to Living a Longer, Healthier Life
Wheel of Life Assessment
Benefits of Resistance Training Working with Weights and Cardio
Nutrition – what is low GI, balanced diet, how to fight obesity
Stress Managing tools
Eliminate toleration
Positive thinking
Coping with change and adaptation
Simplifying your life
Law of attraction
Tailor a programme with what your staff would like to address
Kirsten McFadden
Julia brought home to us the importance of simplifying our lives and saying ‘no’ to things that present as clutter in a negative, energy-draining way. It was the first time that staff and partners heard each others views and it was done in a safe environment that enabled people to contribute to the discussion when and how they saw appropriate.
Camille Furminieux
Tartines French Café and Deli
Julia has been my personal & business coach for the past few years and I couldn’t speak highly enough of how she has helped me over this time. Her style is professional, relaxed, and challenging to ensure that I take the right steps in maximising my personal development and business opportunities.
Julia pushed me to find a balance between my business and personal life and I am convinced there will be long lasting benefits as she equipped me with the skills to be more self-aware and courageous in any situation.
I now have the tools and the positive attitude to carry on with the changes I have put in place.
Diane Neho
I’m disappointed that I missed out as everyone has been really positive about the session and found it really helpful. It will definitely be worthwhile having a follow up session in the New Year.
Check out what else I have to offer!
Personal Training
Are you tired of running round in circles dealing with weight loss? Would you like to lose weight the easy way without punishment? Allow me to get you on the right path!
Life Coaching
Struggling to reach your goals? Let's fast-track your success with life coaching. Whether you're an executive, leader, or business owner, I'm here to help you overcome obstacles and achieve your dreams.
Addiction & Family
Struggling with addiction? It doesn't just affect you—it impacts your whole family. We're here for both the individual and their loved ones, offering support and guidance through this challenging journey.